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When you first begin to train your dog, two things are critically important: how you reinforce behavior, and understanding why your dog behaves in certain ways.
The two types of reinforcements are positive and negative reinforcement. These are the ways to deal with disobedience and behavior problems. Positive reinforcement is the only way to go. It is way more effective, not to mention humane.
Positive reinforcement is nothing more than rewarding behavior you want to see repeated and ignoring behavior that you don't. When you use positive reinforcement, you're working with your dog instead of against. Their natural instinct is to please you, so allowing them to figure out what you want builds a better relationship with your dog.
So make sure you always use positive reinforcement and give meaningful rewards.
The second thing you need to be aware of is the "why". It can be easy to confuse natural and problem behaviors. Let's take jumping for example. Dogs can jump for two reasons: being happy or being aggressive/dominant. The first is a natural behavior and the second is problem behavior.
When your dog jumps, think about the context. Is your dog jumping up because it's happy you just got home from work, or is your dog jumping at you or others during play. The first is natural behavior that is part of your dog's personality, and the second is a display of dominance that needs to be fixed.
Understanding this difference and knowing how to fix behavior problems with positive reinforcement is vital to successful training.
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